little beauty – Vernal hanging parrot

little beauty – Vernal hanging parrot

We generally do not focus our birding session on a single species but this Sunday was different as we sighted the Vernal hanging parrot (Loriculus vernalis) – the only species of parrot found in India, and spent 3 hours photographing and observing a flock of 8 of these little beauties.

We had started a bit late this time, around 5:30 AM from Pune and with no pre-decided location in mind, it was along the journey when we decided to drive through & explore Kaldari as we had sighted a Shaheen Falcon couple of weeks back in the same region. Read more

a day with the Falcon!

a day with the Falcon!

With the onset of monsoons around a month back, we had started exploring relatively drier regions of Pune – Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary & Morgaon. However the rains seemed to have halted for sometime, which made us take a chance of birding at Veer Dam last Sunday. What followed next was a close encounter with the small yet beautiful Red-necked Falcon (Falco chicquera). Incidentally, this day also happened to be 3rd anniversary of Whistling Trails! 😀 Read more

the royal Indian Wolf..!

the royal Indian Wolf..!

When we came across with the majestic Indian Wolf for the 1st time in December 2015 during one of our bird-watching trip, we got totally mesmerized by the aura of this majestic mammal and of-course its hypnotic stare – a close encounter which will always be memorable. We have been visiting the grasslands around Pune for our regular bird-watching excursions but never came across the Wolf again.. until last Sunday. Read more