Macro photography tour to Amboli hills!

Macro photography tour to Amboli hills!

Monsoon season is macro photography season and Amboli is one of our regular destinations to catchup with the variety of reptiles, amphibians and other species that show-up during the torrential rains. We at Wild India Eco Tours visited Amboli last weekend (14-16 July 2017) with a small group of like-minded folks. Apart from the regular Malabar pit vipers, Green vine snakes and gliding frogs, we had some fantastic sightings of Caecilian, Beddome’s keelback, Marbled frog and even witnessed a Cicada giving birth! Read more

Macrolicious Amboli

Macrolicious Amboli

Come monsoon season; it is the best time to go out exploring for reptiles & amphibians, and we at Wild India Eco Tours decided to visit Amboli this time. Mixed with rain & fog, the weather was fantastic throughout; add to it some fantastic sightings of 6 snake species including the Cat Snake & Striped Coral Snake; over 10 frog species including the Malabar gliding frog, Dancing frog & Amboli toad Read more

Snakes, Frogs & Macro.. in Goa!

Snakes, Frogs & Macro.. in Goa!

Since the day I had planned for this trip, I was scared as well as super-excited; and finally the day was here. I had always been wary of snakes.. hence did take me sometime to convince myself that I have to do this trip. So how was the trip..? All I can say is that it is the closest I have been to nature till date.. As soon as I entered Goa, the fresh air, the green landscapes and cloudy weather greeted me;  Read more

Splendid Amboli..!

Splendid Amboli..!

Just when I thought it was enough of exploring the Konkan region, I came across a rustic and a quaint place nestled in the dense forests of Amboli… and we set out on yet another journey, this time to this little hill station in Sindhudurg, Maharashtra. Starting at around 6 AM from Pune, we took the Mumbai – Bangalore highway till Nipani Read more