Wildlife at Mayureshwar Sanctuary, Pune

Wildlife at Mayureshwar Sanctuary, Pune

Situated at around 70 KMs from Pune, Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Tehsil Baramati in Pune district. The sanctuary is mostly made up of dry deciduous scrub forest and has a variety of flora and fauna specific to grasslands. Being a very small sanctuary (smallest in India), it can be easily covered in a day and is one of our favourite places for bird-watching as we have come across a good number of bird species as well mammals in the sanctuary. Read more

Bird-watching at Akshi – Day trip from Pune

Bird-watching at Akshi – Day trip from Pune

The winter has arrived and so have the migratory birds. A quick bird-watching excursion to Akshi beach resulted in observing some lovely bird species which included four lifers – Great Knots, Bar-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and Caspian Gulls. Some other key highlights were the Terek & Curlew Sandpipers, Whimbrel, Whiskered Terns and Ruddy Turnstones.  Read more